Go green, enjoy the slow, don't consume more than what you need, recycle, upcycle... love and smile often, be in the present, create a beautiful life, create beautiful things just because of the joy of give and explore. Enjoy your family and great friends, enjoy your solitude too... happiness doesn't mean to have a perfect life but to choose to enjoy the life, with its ups and downs. There is nothing permanent but the present - a present continuous. You create it every minute.
Here, some things I created with joy:
a shawl for the fresh spring mornings in the garden
a cardigan made with baby alpaca and dyed by hand using gurkmeja root (if you'd like to try, it's really worth the effort! if you need tips, ask me), creating this ombré effect... I thought in my little niece, so delicate and sweet, while making this
a dress of soy and wool... a sweet and hot plumb pie or a basket full of cherries... but then, it was fall and I thought possibly in something tasty and hot, like a plumb pie =))
these works are available at my etsy shop